Reliance Datatech

Author name: Reliancedtkenya

How would you rate Generative AI’s accuracy on a scale of 1-10? Asking because of new reports showing that many AI tools are prone to hallucinating—i.e., making stuff up. 🤣

How would you rate Generative AI’s accuracy on a scale of 1-10? Asking because of new reports showing that many AI tools are prone to hallucinating—i.e., making stuff up. 🤣

How would you rate Generative AI’s accuracy on a scale of 1-10? Asking because of new reports showing that many AI tools are prone to hallucinating—i.e., making stuff up. 🤣 Read More »

🤔Is your organization’s current #ITinfrastructure optimized for hybrid work? If not, what are the outstanding issues and what are your plans to address them?

🤔Is your organization’s current #ITinfrastructure optimized for hybrid work? If not, what are the outstanding issues and what are your plans to address them?

🤔Is your organization’s current #ITinfrastructure optimized for hybrid work? If not, what are the outstanding issues and what are your plans to address them? Read More »